
Fighting for my fellas

Hi there! Welcome to the CancerMamma page! I’m Lesley and I’m a cancer patient (twice now) … a mamma to four boys – three teenagers with insatiable appetites, a toddler with intoxicating eyelashes and wit, and a wife to a man with a great love for all of us. They are why I fight. They are why I welcome the hard. This is where I come to opine about my adventures through life with cancer and all these guys. Come join in with us. Be encouraged! It isn’t all sad! 🙂

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About Me

I’m Lesley. I was diagnosed with stage 3B breast cancer in January of 2018 when my youngest was 7 months old. In April of 2020, right as the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) that required a bone marrow transplant. I am married to a wonderful man. I have three teenage boys who I homeschool and a toddler boy who I chase constantly. We live in the woods. Life is wonderful – even with Cancer. Read more

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