I AM Pillowcase Order Drive!!!

So, we have a good stash going so far! I am washing things up and plan to take the first load this Wednesday! The staff and I are so excited about the enthusiasm for this project so far. And as one who has never shied away from asking for what she wants, I am going to ask for another favor.

The “I AM..” pillowcase that I had on the Amazon wishlist has sold out! (I’m secretly hoping that it was us who bought them out) I really like this particular pillowcase and would love to have enough that for a long, long time we can give each patient on the BMT floor one! I contacted the manufacturer and they said they would be able to sell me 300 2-packs (600 pillowcases for 600 patients!) at a very discounted rate!!!! Now, while I would love to place that big order right now, my coffers are not that deep. But as a community we can do this together. If you feel led (because I don’t ever want you to feel pressured), please donate to this mini fundraiser within a fundraiser. And please SHARE, SHARE, SHARE this post to as many folks as you can. Let’s see if we can raise enough to buy all 300 2-packs of this pillowcase!
[you can donate via PayPal or Venmo – every penny will go to buying as many pillowcases as I can]

PayPal email is – lesleyletson@gmail.com
Venmo is – @LesleyLetson
Zelle – lesleyletson@gmail.com

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