Re-Gift your PJs and slippers to me!

Okay, admit it, we almost all end up with Christmas gifts we have no intention of ever using. Sometimes we overbuy or buy something and realize it’s the wrong size when it comes in. A lot of times those things happen to be loungewear. Well, never fear! I have a great solution for this unwanted loungewear – give it to folks who are being forced to lounge – specifically cancer patients! Pack up all of those unwanted gag-gifts, white elephants, office Christmas party generic slipper socks, and even those flannel pjs from Great Aunt Edna that make you sweat just looking at them. I will keep it all anonymous and promise not to rat you out to anyone (especially Edna). I also promise that they will go directly to someone who needs them and will appreciate them – they will not end up being scrap fabric somewhere being sold in bundles for who knows what (like a lot of our donated clothes often do) or in a dark corner of your closet destined to become a resort town for moths and mice. What better way can you think of to preserve your drawer space, and your dignity, while at the same time keeping Great Aunt Edna thinking of you all cozied up on the couch in those pjs, drinking hot cocoa in the middle of May – because hello, who wears flannel pjs in May in Georgia?! Oh! Cancer patients! That’s who! Because they are cold! My address is below 🙂

Lesley Letson (a.k.a. The CancerMamma)
1839 Covey Rise Farm Road
Sparta, GA 31087

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