Texas Update #1

Hey everyone. Today is Tuesday 10/18/22. Man has it been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks! There were so many things that had to happen to get me out here and it has been crazy busy but everything has fallen into place so smoothly. And I GOT TO FLY A PLANE!!!! That was seriously the coolest day ever – and I have decided that I’m basically a pilot now. The consensus about when to admit me to the hospital was that it was just mean to put me in on my birthday so I had a few days to play first. I got some good QT with my longtime friends, did some sewing projects, had a birthday party on Friday AND Saturday nights, ate some reeeeeeeally good food, and just chilled a bit (except if you know me, you would know “chill” is not likely the truth because I don’t slow down much). Now, down to the boring medical stuff:

Sunday we got me all admitted, IVs in place and antibiotics rolling, and settled in the most bougie hospital room I’ve ever been in. I’m on the 12th floor and overlooking the entire Dallas skyline. It’s beautiful. I have a HUGE window and right now the sun feels so good that it’s like I’m laying on the beach or in my yard on a blanket – at least that’s what I’m pretending. I have a TV in my room that’s bigger than my one at home and it says “good morning Lesley” and “good evening Lesley” on it when I turn it on. And ya’ll…..the food is pretty good too. My dinner Sunday night was air-fried salmon with asparagus and brown rice, cream of potato soup, mixed green salad with balsamic, a brownie and ice cream (which they put in a cup of ice so it won’t melt on me). One friend asked if I was mistaken and staying in a resort instead of a hospital – quite frankly I am not sure. Yesterday was a bit slow as all the moving pieces were in the background and not in my room, but lots of conversations were had and introductions made. The overall plan is for this week to be preparation for next week – with everything subject to change and dependent on the previous step. Today I will have an MRI to see exactly how extensive the damage to my rib(s) is. We also want to get a better picture of my vascular system for surgery planning. I will then go to the OR for wound debridement and removal of ever how much rib needs to be removed. Once we get a definitive picture of what exactly we are dealing with we can make surgical plans for how to best cover it all back up. We are not in a hurry. We want it done right.

Back home all the guys are good – trying to keep things as normal as possible. G-man is enjoying his time at school with his friends and tells me if he likes it a lot he may just keep going there (instead of coming back to homeschool with me). Ahem! Mister, I don’t think so!!!! Of course, my rockstar of a husband isn’t flustered a bit and is shouldering it all like those guys in a strong-man competition shoulder giant logs. (I’m picturing the kind with axes and wood throwing – so much more interesting than weights in a gym). We had a goat pass away yesterday and he handled all of that too – I still haven’t talked to G about it because I can’t bear to hear him cry without me there to hug him.

As usual, we are covered up with love and messages of “how can I help?” Here is my answer: as always, my number one request is to pray for complete healing – pray for the doctor’s wisdom and precision – pray for my fellas back home – just pray. We trust that God has brought all of these details together so quickly for the purpose of getting me well and we cling to that hope. For my fellas – food – they are easy to please. If you want to bring them a meal or a restaurant gift card, they would be overjoyed. As far as G-man goes, he LOVES to get mail. A friend asked me about making a list so I made an Amazon list of fun surprises he would like. If you feel inclined, message me and I can give you that information. As far as I go – well, I love mail too, for now, I am at: Clements University Hospital – 6201 Harry Hines Blvd. – Dallas, TX 75235 – Room 1274.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying, and checking in on me and my guys…. we truly appreciate you all. Knowing that we have this much support is overwhelming in the best sort of way. I’ll do my best to keep you all posted as I know more. Until then, I’m keeping my eye out for JR Ewing from this big window of mine 😉


Pilot Lesley
My view
My giant TV
My Texas sized room
Skyline at night – this doesn’t do it justice – the building lights change colors and one spins!
Window washer or Spider-Man incognito – not quite sure 😉

5 thoughts on “Texas Update #1

  1. Hi Leslie, finally caught up with what has been going on with you through this blog that popped up through FB. I understand that you won’t have energy to explain what has been going on via text as I did not realize you had to fly out to Tx for surgery and treatment. You are on our special prayers list at St. Stephens Episcopal church and certainly on my mind at all times!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I sure will! Will you be at the hospital for a while? Feel free to send the Amazon list for Gus when you have a moment!


  2. Lesley this is Marie from nc talk to your mom last night she filled me in on what is going on just want you to know that we are are praying for all you have ask for. My church group will be praying for you as well i know that god is watching over you. May god lead the dr. in all they need to do your sister in Christ Marie. May God be with you.


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