Texas Update #2

well friends, I have sat down to update everyone several times and each time I do something changes. Here is what has happened and what I know so far…. Last week we did a debridement and they sent “samples” to the lab (I told them we were not using the word biopsy because I didn’t like it and it made me anxious…so they kidnly obliged). On Tuesday morning of this week the doctor came in to tell me that the samples came back cancer free – so that was a huge relief. We moved on with plans and coordinating multiple teams – infectious disease, BMT, cardio-thoracic, and of course plastics. One thing we needed to know was what type of bacteria was causing my infection and how much of my bone was infected. We combed through old microbiology reports from the summer, the current cultures, and more. Of course I had the weird bacteria that are hard to treat – at least back in the summer I did. Currently I am not showing any infection. We made plans with plastics and cardio-thoracic to do the big surgery on Monday – Happy Halloween/Reformation Day to me! THEN….yesterday afternoon one of the plastics doctors was in my room going over plans when infectious disease doctor came in and we realized no bone samples were sent last week. This was a bit deflating because again, my confidence was shook and I was back to not knowing for certain that this is not a case of recurrence. No one really thinks it is, but we have to be sure. We also have to be certain that there is no active infection in my rib bone that has been exposed before we cover it up. In addition to that little setback, my plastic surgeon also did some digging on some of my current meds to make sure we didn’t need to stop any of them prior to surgery. He consulted some of his mentors, read papers, and more and we came to the conclusion that the one we thought needed to stop actually needed to keep going but another one needed to be stopped for two weeks prior to surgery. Both of these are a bit of a frustrating setback, but I am SO thankful that they are leaving no stone (or bacteria) unturned and are looking at my case from so many angles. “Yours is a very complicated case,” I have been told no less than a hundred times now. So as of right now – 22:00 on Thursday, I will go in for another debridement and “sample” taking on Monday and bust out of here for a few days. As soon as we have a difinitive OR date for the big surgery I will let you know, but it will be at least two weeks from today.

A funny story for a second…..one of my surgeons was in here the other day and mentioned that I may loose my belly button with this surgery. WHAT?! Are you serious?! But oh well, that’s better than a hole in my chest I guess. I asked the other surgeon today if this guy was just messing with me or if this was for real. He told me that some people do loose thiers, but he thought I could keep mine if I wanted. “I kind of like my belly button,” I said. “Then I will let you keep it – I’m Team BellyButton too.” The absurdity of the conversations I have these days just cracks me up.

Specific Prayer Requests:
– conitnued wisdom for these doctors as they plan
– that insurance will approve all of this: we know we will likely have a huge bill and have to fight this for a long time, but it would sure be nice not to have to
– issues with my Dad’s estate: long story short, I have family who is taking advantage of me being sick and trying to keep me from anything of my Dad’s, trying to completely shut me out and fighting me at every turn. It is very sad and hurtful. Greed is an awful thing. I am racking up lawyer fees and getting nowhwere. It seems like even they are taking advantage of my state. This is just a stress I really don’t need right now and need the Lord to intervene in a mighty way.
– continued strength for my fellas back home. I miss those crazy goobers so much and hate to tack on two more weeks of being away – but it is more important for them to have a healthy mamma.

Thanks for the cards, gift cards, Door Dash money, and feeding of the five thousand back home. It never ceases to amaze me how God’s people always surround us and provide more than we need in times such as these. It is a treasure worth more than money can buy. Since I am busting out of the hospital for a bit, if you want to send mail to me, you can send it to my friend’s house:

157 Chaparral Estates
Shady Shores, TX 76208

Love to you all,

3 thoughts on “Texas Update #2

  1. You are in our prayers ! Enjoyed seeing your fellas at Hamburg last week . You are blessed with some nice handsome young men and that Gus is a great ! Hang in there ! Louie and Pond a Chalker


  2. Dear Lesley: been a long difficult time but know you are trusting the Lord for His work in your life so that should give you you some peace. So sorry to hear about the added problems with with your family know that is really tough!that’s a beautiful scene out your window! We’ll be praying for you as well as Dick’s prayer groups. Also be praying for your family and your doctors. love, you, betty johnson.


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