Frankenboob on 10/31 (TX update #3)

Well, as the storyline seems to be going for this adventure, plans changed again this morning – but in the most wonderful way possible. I’m NOT busting out of this joint today, but it is because WE CLOSED THE WOUND!!!!! I say “we” as if I had anything to do with it, but hey, I’ll give myself a tad bit of credit for overachieving in the bounce-back department. I was first case so we got going at 0700 this morning. We talked before they took me back at the possibility of using my latissimus flap (from last year that was still in place and had not died with the big infection – which we need to name, by the way, I’ll take suggestions) and pulling it over to close the wound. This was all TBD when they got in there to see if it had enough movement to do the job. Well, glory be, it worked!!!! AND, I still have all my ribs!!!! They took more samples (to rule out current infection) to send to the lab for cultures and cleaned it up and determined that it was viable enough to leave in there – and since we weren’t doing a free flap there was no need to remove it for access for blood plumbing hook-ups (more fun to say than vessel attachments or anything like that). They said that if I wanted to do the deep flap for reconstruction, we could revisit that when this heals. I will not quote myself, because it is not very ladylike what I said, but let’s just say that I said “no thanks.” 🙂 I am perfectly happy with my Franken-boob I got on Halloween (I mean, it is so fitting). I will have to have a small skin graft in a few weeks to cover up where the lat-flap was, but compared to what we thought we would have to do, that is no biggie at all. As far as my shoulder and range of motion goes, they were able to clean up some scar tissue, but he recommended me to see a shoulder surgeon after all of this heals to have them get it released so that I get my full range of motion back. I will do that because it is a quality-of-life issue, but it will be a good bit down the road.

Funnies from today……. When I was in recovery, the anesthesiologist came in to check on me and looked at me funny and said, “um, I know I gave you meds because I pushed them and was there through the whole procedure – HOW are you this alert?!” to which I replied, “this is how I roll.” I have really felt great all day. Yes, it’s sore and painful, but manageable. I’ve gotten up and walked around some and ate a great lunch. We also had a little OR humor/banter going on 😉 Remember the bellybutton discussion? Well, I wrote on some cloth tape, “#TeamBellybutton ***** is not allowed in this area,” (I will leave names out to protect the guilty). To which said surgeon responded with text photos to me of my surgery and he covered my bellybutton with gauze and tape. In recovery I asked if he got my note and he said, “yeah, but I had to use it to get the rest of everything closed, take a look.” I knew he was kidding, but it was hilarious.

It has really been a great day. We are so thankful. James 5:13-16 says, “Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” One of my friends who I have been staying with and is taking care of me is a pastor (I mean, he is my friend too, but she is the one taking care of me and who has hour-long conversations with me regularly just to clarify). Before I checked into the hospital, he and another pastor friend came over and did just this – anointed me with oil and prayed over me. I know that more people than I know about have been praying for me. These doctors are amazing – the best of the best for sure! But folks, prayer does amazing things. I am humbled, once again, at God’s mercy for me. I pray that HE is glorified in all of this ordeal. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow – I have been showered with them today.


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