Fathers’ Day for the Fatherless

This post has been in my head for over a week, I am just now getting it typed. I am definitely in a “get it all out” mode of writing these days. I also had a feeling that I’ve used this title before. Either way, let’s go….. I don’t know that I have ever hadContinue reading “Fathers’ Day for the Fatherless”

3rd time is NOT a charm – it’s a nightmare

I’ve been putting off writing this one for a solid three weeks now. I have had no words. It seems like I am living outside of my body watching this trainwreck which seems to be my life right now. At the beginning of May, leading into “birthday week” (all 4 of my boys have birthdaysContinue reading “3rd time is NOT a charm – it’s a nightmare”

Fake it Till ya Make it – Thanksgiving Edition

Yes, I will get to the point where I tell you the things we are thankful for, but let’s just be real and honest for a bit first. Our six-year-old is halfway through his first month of treatment for leukemia – really? This just still doesn’t seem right. We have some personal family stress withContinue reading “Fake it Till ya Make it – Thanksgiving Edition”

Merry Christmas from Wally and Me (and the rest of my guys)

As usual – I’ve sat down to write several times and never gotten it done. I guess I have perpetual writer’s block. I try to think of something witty to start with, but the only thing that came to mind was, “guess who’s back… back again…. guess who’s back…. tell you’re friends… ” but IContinue reading “Merry Christmas from Wally and Me (and the rest of my guys)”