Pillowcase Blitz!

You guys are awesome! I have already gotten several packages of cozy blankets, pjs, cute slippers and more! I’m so excited about this project. I have a doctor’s appointment this coming Tuesday and will be delivering my first load of Pajama Packs to the BMT floor. One of my favorite items on the wishlist isContinue reading “Pillowcase Blitz!”

The (very long) Tale of the Biscuits

So, it has been a range of emotions this morning – not from the election or cancer or crazy kid drama like you may expect – but from biscuits. I love to bake. I love to experiment in the kitchen. I mean, I spent an entire year trying to perfect pizza dough that is restaurantContinue reading “The (very long) Tale of the Biscuits”

Exciting News on a Stressful Day!

I don’t care which side of this election you are on – it’s stressful. And I don’t know what your coping mechanisms are but I can vacillate between stress-snacking, stress-cleaning, stress-shopping, stress-running, stress-writing, and stress-project“ing” At this moment I am doing the last two (after doing the previous three earlier). So while I was stress-runningContinue reading “Exciting News on a Stressful Day!”

Preparing to Die – Priorities, the Pandemic, and the election

Okay, so I know I said it all won’t be sad and I promise it won’t. I know you don’t believe me with that title, but please, stick with me. First of all, I don’t have anything new to bring to this table. Many have said these same thoughts, quite certainly more eloquently than myself.Continue reading “Preparing to Die – Priorities, the Pandemic, and the election”

Like Sands Through the Hourglass – 100 DAYS! {really 88 but read on}

August 22, 2020 The older I get (which seems to happen faster and faster these days!), time seems to be constantly slipping away – or maybe it’s just that I appreciate it more and want to hold onto it but can’t because it truly is like the sand in the hourglass, or trying to gripContinue reading “Like Sands Through the Hourglass – 100 DAYS! {really 88 but read on}”

It’s October already?! Here’s what I want for my bday… (and biopsy results!)

October 4, 2020 Seriously, HOW is it October already?! For as much crazy stuff that I have been through this year, it has still seemed to fly by. My birthday will be here in less than two weeks (I’m turning 32 AGAIN….that one just seems to be repeating itself – I don’t understand this phenomenonContinue reading “It’s October already?! Here’s what I want for my bday… (and biopsy results!)”

Correction (this is why you shouldn’t write with a 3yo in the room)

August 22, 2020 Y’all. I felt so bad for not updating everyone in a while. I have been meaning to since my last appointment. So this morning I said “I’m gonna do it no matter what.” I sat down to write and of course all the big kids left the house and Gus stayed inContinue reading “Correction (this is why you shouldn’t write with a 3yo in the room)”